Imexdbusiness is an International company dedicated on the objective of have the best import and Export databases to make them available to the different markets and industries in format of reports, based on harmonized codes (Customs data) or shipment records (Bill of lading data) and predefined fields with the customer, based on their needs.

The information is relevant and accurate and fundamental for any person involved in foreign commerce.


Our databases, allows the connection between suppliers and customers, ensuring a commercial relation based on the knowledge of the real transactions based on the oficial sources of each country. The aim, is to reach new business with transparency through the accurate and updated data.


We currently have:

  •  The import and Export databases of more than 50 countries.
  • More than 10 million of importers and exporters present in our databases records.
  • Total transactions of more than 10 trillion dollars.
  • With the best update cycles provided by each of the sources.