Importers Exported value in 2016  Exported value in 2017  Exported value in 2018 % Share 2018
Exports Mexico to United States of America $           302.862.363.000,00 $           327.357.936.000,00 $           344.602.284.000,0076,49%
Exports Mexico to Area Nes $                        92.574.000,00 $                     135.064.000,00 $              24.706.508.000,005,48%
Exports Mexico to Canada $              10.432.270.000,00 $              11.376.494.000,00 $              14.064.766.000,003,12%
Exports Mexico to China $                 5.411.245.000,00 $                 6.713.028.000,00 $                 7.194.348.000,001,60%
Exports Mexico to Germany $                 4.118.770.000,00 $                 6.949.907.000,00 $                 7.069.745.000,001,57%
Exports Mexico to Brazil $                 3.055.928.000,00 $                 3.681.275.000,00 $                 4.407.868.000,000,98%
Exports Mexico to Colombia $                 3.066.508.000,00 $       ,00 $                 3.544.570.000,000,79%
Exports Mexico to Japan $                 3.778.853.000,00 $                 4.055.835.000,00 $       ,000,73%
Exports Mexico to Netherlands $                 1.636.100.000,00 $                 1.988.061.000,00 $                 2.382.561.000,000,53%
Exports Mexico to Korea, Republic of $                 2.507.144.000,00 $                 3.428.914.000,00 $                 2.283.814.000,000,51%
Exports Mexico to United Kingdom $                 3.231.645.000,00 $                 2.274.735.000,00 $       ,000,49%
Exports Mexico to Chile $                 1.745.009.000,00 $                 1.804.131.000,00 $                 2.073.486.000,000,46%
Exports Mexico to Belgium $                 1.467.200.000,00 $                 2.098.489.000,00 $       ,000,44%
Exports Mexico to Guatemala $                 1.713.882.000,00 $                 1.722.761.000,00 $                 1.954.065.000,000,43%
Exports Mexico to Italy $                 1.213.427.000,00 $                 1.324.459.000,00 $                 1.782.451.000,000,40%
Exports Mexico to France $                 1.908.112.000,00 $                 1.914.990.000,00 $                 1.769.901.000,000,39%
Exports Mexico to Spain $                 3.267.583.000,00 $                 4.244.586.000,00 $                 1.719.138.000,000,38%
Exports Mexico to Peru $                 1.403.973.000,00 $                 1.510.904.000,00 $                 1.650.739.000,000,37%
Exports Mexico to India $       ,00 $                 3.338.507.000,00 $                 1.380.567.000,000,31%
Exports Mexico to Argentina $                 1.408.690.000,00 $                 1.503.830.000,00 $                 1.259.921.000,000,28%
Exports Mexico to Australia $                     835.886.000,00 $                 1.189.964.000,00 $                 1.238.600.000,000,27%
Exports Mexico to Panama $                     898.598.000,00 $                     915.427.000,00 $                 1.161.743.000,000,26%
Exports Mexico to Singapore $                     850.583.000,00 $                     905.204.000,00 $       ,000,25%
Exports Mexico to Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of $                     600.028.000,00 $                 1.079.641.000,00 $                     994.464.000,000,22%
Exports Mexico to Costa Rica $                     915.453.000,00 $                     959.115.000,00 $                     966.601.000,000,21%
Exports Mexico to Hong Kong, China $                     591.729.000,00 $                     723.744.000,00 $                     896.554.000,000,20%
Exports Mexico to Switzerland $                     903.868.000,00 $                     751.066.000,00 $                     844.000.000,000,19%
Exports Mexico to El Salvador $                     596.518.000,00 $                     689.405.000,00 $                     793.500.000,000,18%
Exports Mexico to Honduras $                     585.814.000,00 $                     647.318.000,00 $                     740.670.000,000,16%
Exports Mexico to Nicaragua $                     938.007.000,00 $                     938.428.000,00 $                     736.736.000,000,16%
Exports Mexico to Ecuador $                     450.577.000,00 $                     621.862.000,00 $                     714.641.000,000,16%
Exports Mexico to Dominican Republic $                     907.809.000,00 $                     714.060.000,00 $                     590.197.000,000,13%
Exports Mexico to Cuba $                     324.229.000,00 $                     361.248.000,00 $                     422.302.000,000,09%
Exports Mexico to Taipei, Chinese $                     246.340.000,00 $                     425.019.000,00 $                     413.682.000,000,09%
Exports Mexico to Thailand $                     496.993.000,00 $                     559.812.000,00 $                     372.756.000,000,08%
Exports Mexico to United Arab Emirates $                     289.998.000,00 $                     316.067.000,00 $                     370.392.000,000,08%
Exports Mexico to Ireland $                     281.034.000,00 $                     373.792.000,00 $                     334.963.000,000,07%
Exports Mexico to Russian Federation $                     178.527.000,00 $                     255.752.000,00 $                     327.129.000,000,07%
Exports Mexico to Poland $                     248.973.000,00 $                     280.204.000,00 $                     309.291.000,000,07%
Exports Mexico to Czech Republic $                     206.000.000,00 $                     267.204.000,00 $                     304.961.000,000,07%
Exports Mexico to Israel $                     197.968.000,00 $                     230.021.000,00 $                     284.108.000,000,06%
Exports Mexico to Saudi Arabia $                     134.186.000,00 $                     153.066.000,00 $                     262.415.000,000,06%
Exports Mexico to Malaysia $                     448.016.000,00 $                     710.605.000,00 $                     240.548.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to Hungary $                     288.446.000,00 $                     226.948.000,00 $                     240.210.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to Viet Nam $       ,00 $                     292.195.000,00 $                     234.723.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to South Africa $                     335.879.000,00 $                     178.591.000,00 $                     233.999.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to Turkey $                     238.640.000,00 $                     223.481.000,00 $                     233.353.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to Austria $                     326.613.000,00 $                     237.669.000,00 $                     231.780.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to Uruguay $                     168.145.000,00 $                     221.217.000,00 $                     223.541.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to Denmark $                     182.807.000,00 $                     180.347.000,00 $                     177.296.000,000,04%
Exports Mexico to New Zealand $                        93.532.000,00 $                     113.071.000,00 $                     175.752.000,000,04%
Exports Mexico to Bolivia, Plurinational State of $                     156.293.000,00 $                     186.758.000,00 $                     167.829.000,000,04%
Exports Mexico to Finland $                     140.287.000,00 $                     137.393.000,00 $                     155.730.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Romania $                        65.860.000,00 $                        99.768.000,00 $                     152.232.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Indonesia $                        65.203.000,00 $                     260.862.000,00 $                     148.597.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Belize $                     115.649.000,00 $                     140.454.000,00 $                     148.345.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Paraguay $                        97.001.000,00 $                     120.088.000,00 $                     143.829.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Algeria $                     177.617.000,00 $                        97.516.000,00 $                     142.036.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Sweden $                        96.133.000,00 $                        86.012.000,00 $                     124.836.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Philippines $                        86.054.000,00 $                     163.365.000,00 $                     120.412.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Portugal $                     166.690.000,00 $                     166.494.000,00 $                     115.794.000,000,03%
Exports Mexico to Jamaica $                     205.971.000,00 $                     229.045.000,00 $                     109.601.000,000,02%
Exports Mexico to Trinidad and Tobago $                        81.908.000,00 $                        79.948.000,00 $                        90.299.000,000,02%
Exports Mexico to Haiti $                        45.010.000,00 $                        56.109.000,00 $                        89.126.000,000,02%
Exports Mexico to Egypt $                        71.439.000,00 $                        52.417.000,00 $                        83.008.000,000,02%
Exports Mexico to Morocco $                        22.910.000,00 $                        46.407.000,00 $                        80.702.000,000,02%
Exports Mexico to Pakistan $                        22.989.000,00 $                        33.504.000,00 $                        70.127.000,000,02%
Exports Mexico to Slovakia $                        40.353.000,00 $                        46.430.000,00 $                        50.297.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Norway $                        44.441.000,00 $                        41.863.000,00 $                        47.412.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Lithuania $                           2.061.000,00 $                        31.635.000,00 $                        47.277.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Kuwait $                     101.550.000,00 $                        56.464.000,00 $                        43.742.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Greece $                        33.196.000,00 $                        39.098.000,00 $                        41.916.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Slovenia $                        15.252.000,00 $                        23.894.000,00 $                        40.298.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Nigeria $                        38.337.000,00 $                        29.410.000,00 $                        35.308.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Lebanon $                        13.191.000,00 $                        30.552.000,00 $                        34.051.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Ukraine $                        19.144.000,00 $                        20.862.000,00 $                        32.455.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Guyana $                        14.138.000,00 $                        15.024.000,00 $                        31.089.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Iraq $                        19.851.000,00 $                        27.306.000,00 $                        29.344.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Dominica $                           4.687.000,00 $                        30.443.000,00 $                        29.182.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Latvia $                        11.435.000,00 $                        17.156.000,00 $                        25.998.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Qatar $                        17.581.000,00 $                        30.250.000,00 $                        25.122.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Tunisia $                        10.741.000,00 $                        20.742.000,00 $                        23.613.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Luxembourg $                     150.162.000,00 $                     103.122.000,00 $                        22.592.000,000,01%
Exports Mexico to Oman $                        16.814.000,00 $                        17.757.000,00 $                        22.465.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Aruba $                           8.554.000,00 $                        13.603.000,00 $                        21.334.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Curaçao $                        12.258.000,00 $                        36.078.000,00 $                        20.167.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Croatia $                        17.363.000,00 $                        18.206.000,00 $                        18.526.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Ghana $                        14.473.000,00 $                        10.037.000,00 $                        17.750.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Sri Lanka $                           6.434.000,00 $                           8.512.000,00 $                        16.341.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Kazakhstan $                           4.223.000,00 $                           9.323.000,00 $                        15.957.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to British Virgin Islands $                           2.050.000,00 $                           1.858.000,00 $                        15.797.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Bahamas $                        47.353.000,00 $                        19.161.000,00 $                        15.433.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Mauritius $                           1.077.000,00 $                           6.513.000,00 $                        13.233.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Estonia $                        16.587.000,00 $                        11.210.000,00 $                        12.619.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Cyprus $                           4.811.000,00 $                        11.154.000,00 $                        12.559.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Jordan $                           8.335.000,00 $                        20.446.000,00 $                        12.406.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Bahrain $                           4.313.000,00 $                        13.892.000,00 $                        12.274.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Barbados $                        12.045.000,00 $                        14.767.000,00 $                        11.514.000,000,00%
Exports Mexico to Other Countries (112) $                     318.528.000,00 $                     388.848.000,00 $                     237.478.000,000,05%
Exports Mexico to Total Markets $           373.900.011.000,00 $           409.451.387.000,00 $           450.531.649.000,00100,00%